
I was in the founding year of the University of East Anglia reading English. See my interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7-Ple2f8-8 followed by a PhD on Paul Goodman. The research introduced me to the US and I have been a Visiting Scholar and professor at the universities of Massachusetts, San Diego, Stanford and Rutgers, and also given keynote and plenary papers in Brazil, Bulgaria, Egypt, Holland, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, the US and elsewhere. https://uel.academia.edu/MaggieHumm
I was Co-Chair of the British Women’s Studies Association, and founded the first full-time undergraduate UK Women’s Studies degree. Currently Vice-Chair the Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain.
To transition to creative writing, I gained a University of East Anglia/Guardian Diploma in Creative Writing. I contributed a programme note for the ‘Woolf Works’ ballet at the Royal Opera House and a catalogue essay for the major Woolf exhibition at the newly reopened Tate St Ives in Spring 2018, speaking there at an April conference. 2018. http://www.tate.org.uk/whats-on/tate-st-ives/exhibition/virginia-woolf/virginia-woolf-art-and-ideas
In 2022, following my four year campaign, St Ives Council agreed to place a plaque to Virginia Woolf on Talland House, her childhood home. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXS4UTJWM-w
Facebook and Twitter: https://twitter.com/maggiehumm1 and https://www.facebook.com/maggie.humm.7